I'm an FA!
What is an FA?
An FA is a Fat Admirer. Basically an FA is anyone who prefers a partner who is Fat. Women that turn FA's on are anywhere from a size 14- on up. Some FA's prefer smaller women who are generally called "plumpers" Anywhere from 150lbs to 250lbs. Some FA's prefer women who are mid size from 250lbs to 350lbs. And some FA's like Fat women who are 350lbs to 500lbs. There are also some FA's that like Fat Women above 500lbs.
I was listening to a radio show this morning and the Host made a very good point. His point was that you should not be defined by your sexuality. I really agree with this because it is just one part of my life and It is not the most important part. I don't introduce myself to people "Hello I like Fat Women nice to meet you."
That being said it is an aspect of who I am.
I don't know how open I should be with people about my preference in women. I have been married to a wonderful lady who happens to be fat for six years now. I think most people get a vibe and get a clue.
I know a few of my friends know that I only like Fat Women. Most people's reaction is "So?" or " I kind of figured that out."
That being said, there are some things that I do want to Blog about. One of them is how I first understood I liked fat women. I want to talk about how it felt growing up not being attracted at all to female sex symbols. For a while I thought I was Gay. But then I realized that men sure as heck did not turn me on.
A supermodel could be standing right in front of me and I would have Zero desire for her. But that waitress packing away the breadsticks at the back of my favorite Italian restaurant would make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Over the course of this Blog I am sure I will use the term BBW. It means Big Beautiful Woman.
Looks like you're off to a great start. Let your muse lead you to discuss that which your heart and upper and lower heads are attracted to. The path that each FA takes until he/she understands himself/herself and then hopefully comes out in the open to their friends, family and the objects of their affection and desires is theirs alone. No one can take the steps for you; but we can cheer you on, give you advice based on our experiences and help you pick yourself back up when the world deals you a blow.
One of the hallmarks of fat admirers is that they spend a whole lot of time alone in their own minds thinking about what turns them on and what they're about. Let the blog be a way for you to get the jumbled thoughts out in a way that you can observe your own thoughts with a sense of perspective and perhaps advance along the road to your ultimate happiness. Sound like a plan?
Welcome to the world of FA blogging. Its wonderful to have someone else sharing their views on life from the FA perspective.
You seem to be gathering strength and your blog legs as you go along. I'd love to more about you and your wife and how the two of you met. You describe that you have been married to a wonderful lady "who happens to be fat for six years now". I'm assuming that's the length of your marriage and not the time that your wife has been fat. But I find the locution interesting. In your effort to emphasize that you love the woman who is your wife and secondarily she also is fat your language became twisted a bit. When you met her was she fat, or as fat as she is now? When did you come out to her that you were attracted to her physically because she was fat? Have you weathered the "i'm going on a diet" blues? Has she gained weight since the two of you have been togethere? Is she at your ideal weight for a partner or would you prefer(putting aside as you point out the primary emotional bond which holds the two of you together) that she be larger or smaller? Are you still of the brotherhood of the wandering eyes, keeping a weather eye out for ladies who you find attractive even if you elect not to do anything but relish and experience them through your eyes?
I'm sure that I can think of a hundred more things I'd be interested in hearing about, but will leave it at this for now.
Again, welcome and I'm sure that I'll return to see any new ramblings you post.
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