FA Slave Fantasy
Why is Fantasy so important to a budding FA. Well at the time I was growing up in, in the early 80's there was no internet. There was no way to see what I desired so I created it up in my mind.
I did not have any inkling that other people were attracted to Fat Women until I read the opening sex scene in Spider Robinson's Callahan's Secret. That was the first time that I had the idea that I was not alone with my desire's in the universe.
So Fantasy is important to an FA of my generation. Heck I would scrounge through my mom's Weight Watcher magazine so I could just look at the Before and After pictures in the back. Always mentally reversing the order in my mind.
The FA Slave Fantasy I had was again inspired by some cheesy television show. A bad B movie they used during a telethon in fact. The Movie was a Sci-Fi show. The movie depicted a culture where women were dominant and men served them as slaves. The women did use drugs on the men to keep them weak and pliable.
In my fantasy the women's society had two layers. Layer one was the leadership of the society. Fat was very desirable. The Fatter you were the more status one had within this society. These women were carried around in cushioned litters by the male slaves, their every whim and hunger catered to. The second level of the women's society were the amazon's who kept the men in line. They had sufficient power within the society and I really never cared about them. But oooo how beautiful the first group was.
In my fantasy I was purchased by a very powerful ssbbw as a gift for her daughter. So I joined the house of the daughter as a household slave who could cook and do various household jobs. I was also purchased to be the daughter's little sex toy.
In this fantasy I would guess the beautiful daughter was about 400lbs. She would come to me seductively and ask me, "Am I beautiful?" The first few times she would ask me and I would say "No!". Then she would have me taken out and beaten.
Then finally she would ask me again, " Am I beautiful?" I would answer what I had always really felt, "Yes you are beautiful! You are beautiful! You are beautiful!
Then she would have me gathered up and taken to her bower. There she would lay right next to me with her soft body flowing next to mine. We would face each other with her staring into my eyes. Then she would have food brought. She would have me feed her the most delectible fattening sweet morsels and she would feed me.
"Am I beautiful?"
"Yes you are?"
After this constant feeding and lovemaking my master would grow into a cushiony 500lb beauty and I would also get quite fat. Something she would tease me about during our feeding/lovemaking sessions.
I think it is interesting how you came to discover that others had your preferences through reading a book. I was a young teen (12-14) during the boom of the internet. I of course discovered that there were others out there and their were named "FAs" by stumbling on the dimensions website. I think that discovering yourself on the internet, on an anonymous site may hamper your acceptance of yourself and your ability to feel confident in coming out to the public as a FA.
How So?
When I found the Dimensions website in the mid ninties when I was in college it was a liberating thing for me.
There are a bunch of men just like me who like fat women.
I understand what you are saying about finding others with your preference on the internet. There is really no way to sit down with someone and have a heart to heart talk.
The one thing Dimensions has lagged behind with is getting FA's to support and dialog with one another.
I guess that's why I started this
Your slave fantasy is interesting to me because it again ties your weight gain to that of the SSBBW. I wonder if your marriage has followed a similar pattern or is moving in that direction.
You are so right about the need for FAs to interact more with each other. That was one of the reasons I started my blog. Based on your years in college I suspect that you are about 20 years younger than me. A full generation after me. How sad that the route you had to follow to come to grips with your FAness was as difficult as the one I had to endure. For me there was no internet, and only surreptitiously purchased fat porn and finally Dimensions magazine(which was called the FASig in those days) and Naafa. By that time I had come to suspect, but suppressed my attraction to fat women in public, but knew in my private contemplations and arousals that nothing but fat women tickled my erotic being.
I wish there were more resources for young FAs, much younger than you, so they can find themselves earlier than I and you did. The internet helps in some ways, but as your other commenter noted, the Internet is a fickle instrument which provides tremendous access and yet denies critical elements of a relationship so that it doesn't resemble real world situations. But, the internet doesn't make it harder to come out as an FA. What makes it harder is that our society is not fat accepting and standing up and saying I like and am attracted to someone that the greater group considers unattractive and many other negative connotations, requires a strong sense of self and a stronger sense of walking alone without peer support(and more likely peer ridicule and ostracism). Whether one learns about FAs on the internet or in real life the journey to public acknowledgement of who you are, coming out of the FA closet, is a tough one. Nothing will make it any easier until FAs as a collective group rise and stand by their women in greater numbers. Until then we must each do are best to support the women we love and admire and are attracted to in any way we can.
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