FA Blog

One FA's thoughts on life as an FA.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bob Evans Beauty

Not to even compete with http://www.hugehugefan.blogspot.com descriptive sightings I thought I would mention a lady that struck my eye today.

I was going into a Bob Evans to meet a friend of mine. As I scanned the room for my buddy I noticed a beautiful lady sitting oposite the window I was glacing through. What struck me immediatly was her beautiful round Butt and flaring hips. Her butt was nice and rounded and her bottom was at least 3 inches closer to the chair than the small of her back. Her hips had to hang over the meager seat by at least 4inches a side.

She was very tall, I would guess at least close to 6ft. Although seated perhaps there was an optical illusion because the extra padding in her bodacious butt. She was well proportioned all over. In other words she had the large arms and elbow dimples that FA's love so well. Also she had a nice sized tummy. She was dressed in buisness attire and was very stylish. I had to see what this vision of beauty looked like from up front, so I circled the dining room looking for my friend but secretly to catch a glimpse of this visions face.

She was not bad looking at all but about 15years older than I mentally pictured her. That was a little shock to my brain because when I glanced at her from the rear I had a mental picture of someone in their late 20's early 30's.

She was a beauty that stood out as if in color compared to a monochrome background. She had to be somewhere around 375-400lbs range. I don't often see women who are beyond 250lbs that often. The fact that she was pear shaped was a special bonus.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Response to Questions

Hugehugefan I think you are absolutely right about the fact that the Blog really helps you understand yourself more.

My wife and I met on the internet back in 1999. I responded to a personal ad she had on a BBW dating site. We met in April, were engaged in June, and got married in December.

When my wife and I first met in person her weight was about 280lbs. When we were first dating I was very open about the fact that I was an FA and liked fat women. We did talk about the fact of what would happen in our relati0nship if she lost weight. She had sleep apnea at the time and was trying to lose weight for various health reasons.

I had a previous relationship where my girlfriend was a buxom size 16 and had no sexual problems. I told my future wife that as long as she did not get skinnier than a size 16 she was O.K. for me.

During the course of our Marriage my wife gained some more weight. I think I played a part in that a small bit because I like good food myself and there was no angel on the other shoulder saying, "Stop, don't eat that."

My wife's high weight was about 370lbs. She was very concerned about her weight situation. Around 2001 my wife decided to have Weight Loss Surgery. (Hereafter WLS)

When my wife decided that she wanted to pursue WLS that put me in a little bind. I certainly agreed that my wife had the right to decide what to do for her health. I was not very excited about surgical solutions. It is very hard to argue with someone who has tried to lose weight every possible way and thinks WLS is a ticket out of a fat life. I love my wife very much and was concerned for the risks she was taking.

As an FA I liked the 280lbs wife, but I certainly thought she had increased her charms at 370lbs. I was wondering where the WLS journey was going to take us.

It is always difficult recovering from a major surgery. When the doctors brought my wife to her room and she had all the cords and medical gear all over and was complaining about the pain my heart broke for her. I cannot express to you how much I love this lady.

My wife started shedding weight after the WLS. She lost about 80lbs till her weight leveled out at 290lbs. That's what she roughly weighs today.

(I don't look on her scale y'know)

My wife really feels like her WLS was a failure. In her eye's she's still fat. I think it worked, it certainly was not worth the risks. Because of her WLS my wife has had 3 ventral hernia surgeries. This is the other side of WLS that they don't show people in the glossy WLS ads.

My ideal weight for a partner is around 425lbs. I think women at that weight look gorgeous.

Yes, I am a member of the Brotherhood of The Wandering Eyes. Here's the secret handshake.


Am I a BHM? Yes, I am 5'7" and weigh 250lbs. When I got married I weighed around 190lbs. I gained weight as well as my wife during the course of our marriage. The only thing is my wife had WLS and went in reverse while I have continued to gain. My high weight is around 265lbs. I am tying to get my weight stabilized around 250lbs as it is a comfortable weight for me and it is such a pain to have to buy new fat clothes. I have a 42 inch waist and wear 2x shirts. A weight I would like to be is 210lbs. That's my Sam Gamgee fighting weight I want to get down to.

Do I have fantasies of gaining weight?

I find eating to excess both sensual and wonderfully hedonistic. I think my weight gain fantasies are often mutual. I and my partner gain. I don't find men skinny or fat attractive, but the sensuousness of indulgence I love.

Regarding the Neighbor fantasy I find sexual the fact that she is 1.) fat 2.) gaining 3.) Eating.
It is really a combination of all these things.

I realize that fantasy life and real life are two separate things. Neither my wife nor I want to put on 100lbs. That being said I think we don't police our eating a whole lot. If we want to eat something we do. We just don't make a habit of really going to extremes.

For example there was a great deal on Cherlys cookies recently. My wife bought boxes and boxes of the things. Generally when things like that are around the house they get eaten. I decimated a box of those cookies they are so good.
